Manufactures and sells electronic calendars to support time orientation of people with dementia such as Alzheimer's disease, or cognitive impairment in general. Our products are shown below.
Forget-me-not - An electronic calendar that displays correct day and date when connected into the mains electricity.
Some people find it difficult to keep count of days and date and often ask "What day is it today?" This can be a big problem for old people who live alone or for persons with dementia. Forget-me-not is an electronic calendar where the correct day and date are shown clearly on a display when connected to the mains. At midnight, day and date shifts automatically.
Disruption of day/night rhythm can be a problem for some people with dementia. Getting up, leaving the house or making phone calls at night may lead to unrest, anxiety and even serious incidents. The NIGHT and DAY electronic calendar displays date and time of the day shown as ”Morning”, ”Afternoon”, ”Evening” or ”Night” as appropriate, when connected to the mains electricity.
Available with and without picture.